Sunday, May 26, 2019

Info Jenjang Karir Dairy Farmer Peternakan Di New Zealand

info jenjang karir Dairy Farmer New Zealand
kali ini saya akan mengembangkan gosip seputar jenjang karir Dairy Farmer New Zealand, gosip ini sangat berkhasiat terutaa bagi kalian yang ingin bekerja di peternakan sapi perah maupun bidang lain di negara New Zealand.
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saya pun juga ingin mengikuti jejaknya mas muklas,  berikut yakni artikelnya semoga bermanffaat untuk kita semuanya.

info jenjang karir Dairy Farmer New Zealand info jenjang karir Dairy Farmer peternakan di New Zealand
info jenjang karir Dairy Farmer

Kali ini saya menulis gosip bagi yang ingin tahu bagaimana jenjang karir kalo kita bekerja di Dairy Farm New Zealand. dikala kita bekerja di New Zealand tidak menutup kemungkinan sanggup berada di posisi tertinggi yaitu menjadi Farmer atau peternak. Menjadi Farmer di selandia gres merupakaan pujian yang besar alasannya yakni peternakan menjadi tulang punggungnya perekonomiaan negara yang dikenal negara kiwis. menjadi peternak yakni pekerjaan elit disini selain itu ilmu yang harus dikuasai sangatlah banyak dan menurutku pekerjaan ini tidak untuk sembarangan orang.

Saat ini saya menjabat sebagai Asisten Herd Manajer disalah satu farm di new zealand. Herd artinya sama dengan Mob atau dalam bahasa Indonesia dinamakan kawanan atau kumpulan. uyntuk mengetahui bagaimana kerja saya di farm bisa kunjungi goresan pena saya sebelumnya Job Description – Herd Manager

Jika kau sudah memantapkan karir kau didairy farm new Zealand ini dia jalur-jalur karir yang bisa kau lewati. Beberapa saya ambil dari

info jenjang karir Dairy Farmer New Zealand info jenjang karir Dairy Farmer peternakan di New Zealand
info jenjang karir Dairy Farmer
Setiap Farm akan menyediakan training atau training bagi pegawainya yang mempunyai kemauan besar. Training tersebut juga berpeluang besar bagi kita untuk naik ke jenjang lebih tinggi. Training bagi pegawai di dairy farming difasilitasi oleh PRIMARY ITO sebuah forum pemerintah yang menyediakan pendidikan dan training untuk meningkatkan SDM di Dairy farming NZ.

Macam-macam jenis karir dairy farm

Farm Assistant
Herd Manager
Farm Manager
Contract milker

A. Farm Assistant
Farm assistant yakni tingkatan karir paling bawah di dairy farm kalo bahasa kita anak kandangnya. Kita akan banyak mendapat pengalaman praktek eksklusif dilapang di semua aspek farm setiap harinya. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan milking, derma paka  dengan mengoprasikan mechine Dan pekerjaan farm pada umumnya.

Didalam peternakan sekala besar kita akan bekerja dalam sebuah team atau bekerja bersama owner secara langsung. posisi ini sangat cocok bagi orang yang suka kerja dilapang, menyukai binatang tidak khawatir ketika tangganya kotor dan bekerja dengan waktu yg lama.


subject penting yang di butuhkan : Agriculture skill and knowledge, pengetahuan wacana mesin, Matematika, Bahasa inggris dan ilmu pengetahuan alam.

Tidak diharapkan pengalaman biasanya bos mengingikan pribadi yang punya semngat berguru yang besar, mempunyai kepribadian baik, bisa bekerja dalam team dan jujur. Akan mempunyai nilai tambah ketika mempunyai

National Certificate in Agriculture Level 2 / 3

Jam kerja:

Jam kerja diadaptasi dengan masing masing farm dan demam isu farm tersebut alasannya yakni kesibukan arm dan demam isu jenis pekerjaannya berbeda beda. berdasarkan farm saya kerja mulai dari 4.,30 pagi sampai 5.30 sore ditengah tengahnya terdapat waktu untuk breakfast dan lunch.  sistem kerja di libur sangatlah berbeda dengan di indonesia kita menyebutnya disini yakni rooster ada yg 5 on 2 off, 6 on dan 2 off, 8 on 2 off dan 12 on 2 off.

Kesempatan untuk bekerja:

Peluang kerja di New Zeland sangat besar alasannya yakni 10 tahun terakhir perkembangan farm disini  cukup pesat. Pada demam isu 2015 -16 harga susu dunia terjun bebas sehingga sedikit besar lengan berkuasa jadi berdoa saja segera ada jalan biar dairy farming berdiri kembali.


Farm Assistants will generally earn an average salary of $40,000; which may include a benefits package which could include housing, some meals or even power.

Herd Manager

Menjadi Herd MNanager mempunyai tanggung jawab yang besar alasannya yakni secara tidak eksklusif menjadi tangan kanan manager atau farm owner. Herd manajer bertindak sebagai penanggungjawab berjalannya sebuah farm setiap harinya bersama farm ajudan terhadap kawanan sapi yang diperah.

Be responsible for tasks such as feed allocation, milking, and health of a herd. On larger farms this role may also extend to supervising allocated staff. This is not an autonomous role. You are still actively learning about duties and areas of responsibility on the farm. You will be working in direct consultation with a farm owner of manager.

Also known as:

Assistant Herd Manager  Senior Herd Manager

Is it for me?

Working as a herd manager would suit someone who enjoys working outdoors, handling animals and doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty. A farm manager needs to be able to manage staff as well as a farming operation.

How to get there:

Useful subjects to take at school are: agriculture, horticulture, workshop technology, maths, English and science.

Ideally you will have at least 2 years experience working on farm as a farm assistant or in a similar role. It may also be usedful to have a National Certificate in Agribusiness Management, Level 3, working towards Level 4. Some herd managers have studied farm management at university as well.


Herd Managers will often start around 5am in the morning and work through to late afternoon or evening, but with an hour or so for breakfast and lunch; these hours may change depending on the season. Herd Managers will often be required to work in the weekends.

Chances of employment:

The number of dairy farms in New Zealand has increased a lot over the last 10 years. This means that there are good opportunities for employment.


Herd managers will generally earn an average salary of $50,000; which may include a benefits package which could include housing, some meals or even power.

Farm Manager

The farm manager works with the farm owner’s policy guidelines and business plans including managing finance, cows, grass, recruitment and supervision of staff.

A farm manager is responsible for the financial and physical performance of the farm and as such will be highly skilled in all aspects of the farm business. On larger farms this role will also include responsibility for recruiting and managing staff.

In this role you will be responsible for implementing the short and long term business plans of the farm owner. You will have responsibility for the financial and physical performance of farm.

Is it for me?

Working as a farm manager would suit someone who enjoys working outdoors, handling animals and doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty. A farm manager needs to be able to manage staff as well as a farming operation.

How to get there:

Useful subjects to take at school are: agriculture, horticulture, workshop technology, maths, English and science.

You will ideally have 3-5 years experience working directly on farm, having gained an overview of all the required elements needed for farm management. You will also have some experience of managing staff. It could be useful to have one or more of the following qualifications: National Certificate in Agribusiness Management, Level 4; National Diploma in Agribusiness Management, Level 4; Certificate in Rural Staff Management (or similar); an agricultural science / management bachelor’s degree.


Farm Managers hours will vary depending on the season  but will often start around 5am and work through til late afternoon/evenings. They can often be expected to work some weekends too.

Chance of employment:

There is a general shortage of farm workers and managers in New Zealand so chance of employment will be high.

What’s the pay like?

Farm managers will generally earn an average salary of $69,000; which may include a benefits package which could include housing and even power.


A 50/50 sharemilker takes responsibility for the production system. They also maintain farm infrastructure and machinery and may employ labour where required. They are responsible for the financial management of their own business.

Sharemilkers are self employed contractors who receive a percentage of the milk income, and pay a percentage of costs, based on the amount of stock and machinery they contribute to the agreement. Income depends on both payout and production.

Sharemilkers are responsible for defined areas of expenditure and will supply agreed resources e.g. motorbike, machinery or stock.

The level of responsibility for a sharemilker is less strategic than a farm owner. It requires the knowledge and understanding of farming at the same level as a farm manager, with the added responsibility for financial management of their own business.

Is it for me?

A sharemilker must enjoy working with and caring for animals. This means everything from animal health to pasture management to ensure animals are appropriately cared for. You’ll need to be able to manage staff and expenditure on the farm.

How to get there:

Useful subjects to take at school are: agriculture, horticulture, workshop technology, maths, English and science.

You will ideally have 3-5 years experience working directly on farm, having gained an overview of all the required elements needed for farm management. You will also have some experience of managing staff. It may be useful to hold one or more of the following qualifications: National Certificate in Agribusiness Management, Level 4; National Diploma in Agribusiness Management, Level 4; Certificate in Rural Staff Management (or similar); Production Management –  stage 2; an agricultural science / management bachelor’s degree


You could be expected to work anywhere between 50 to 60 hours a week, often starting around 5 am and finishing in the evening. This will vary depending on the season. Weekend work can be expected.


The earning potential of a sharemilker will depend on the size of the herd and the milk payout price. They will recieve 50% of the milk profits from the farm.


Info Jenjang Karir Dairy Farmer Peternakan Di New Zealand Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: abp29